Thank you for considering to be a lead presenter for the 2017 University of Michigan 4T Virtual Conference. Each year we select an elite group of 6 to 8 teachers who are effectively using technology that meets all three levels of the Triple E Framework. We are seeking motivated, imaginative, and forward-thinking educators to present at our 4T (Teachers Teaching Teachers about Technology) Virtual Conference in May 2017. These K-12 teachers and administrators use technology to enhance communication and learning in their classrooms and schools. In particular we are looking for original ideas to present (not ready-made static PPTs presentations that you present at many conferences or a PPT on 20 apps in 20 minutes). Effective presentation topics tend to focus on classroom projects that integrate technology or specific tools that are mindfully integrated to leverage learning goals
We use a professional development approach with our conference lead presenters: we select a small group (6-8) of K-12 teachers and/or administrators to participate in a series of hands-on virtual workshops prior to the conference to develop their virtual teaching skills. The 2 short virtual workshops, facilitated by faculty at the University of Michigan School of Education, School of Information, Washtenaw ISD, and Oakland Schools ISD, will expand educators' online presenting skills during April and May in preparation to present a webinar during the May 2017 virtual conference. Presenters will be paired with a UofM student teaching intern during the workshops. The intern will be in charge of moderating your session and it will be an opportunity for the student to learn about technology integration from a Master teacher. As a lead presenter you will select ONE engaging lesson, project or activity they already teach that integrates technology and convert it to a virtual webinar lesson for participants to experience during the 4T Conference. These workshops will be live and virtual, thus you do not have to be local or native to Michigan in order to be a presenter in the conference.
Who qualifies to be a lead presenter?
The application process closes on January 15, 2017. You will be notified around Feb. 15th, 2017.
We use a professional development approach with our conference lead presenters: we select a small group (6-8) of K-12 teachers and/or administrators to participate in a series of hands-on virtual workshops prior to the conference to develop their virtual teaching skills. The 2 short virtual workshops, facilitated by faculty at the University of Michigan School of Education, School of Information, Washtenaw ISD, and Oakland Schools ISD, will expand educators' online presenting skills during April and May in preparation to present a webinar during the May 2017 virtual conference. Presenters will be paired with a UofM student teaching intern during the workshops. The intern will be in charge of moderating your session and it will be an opportunity for the student to learn about technology integration from a Master teacher. As a lead presenter you will select ONE engaging lesson, project or activity they already teach that integrates technology and convert it to a virtual webinar lesson for participants to experience during the 4T Conference. These workshops will be live and virtual, thus you do not have to be local or native to Michigan in order to be a presenter in the conference.
Who qualifies to be a lead presenter?
- Any K-12 teacher
- Any K-12 Administrator
- April 22 10:00am - 12:30pm EST
- May 13th 10:00am - 12:30pm EST
- 10 hours on your own (logged practice session with specific deadlines)
- May Conference Presentation (your 60 minute presentation during May 20-22 conference)
- 15 CEUs (SCECH) (paid for by 4T)
- Honorarium of $250.00
- A participation certificate from University of Michigan School of Education.
The application process closes on January 15, 2017. You will be notified around Feb. 15th, 2017.